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Medication Reminder App

Note: UI design has not been applied yet in this app study. The work will be updated when UI design is ready.

1. Step: Discover

I observed that people around me, especially the elderly, had difficulty in managing their medications. On the other hand, with the increase in chronic diseases and the decrease in nutritional values in our foods, people must take something regularly, whether it is medicine or food supplements. 
The idea of providing convenience in at least such an important responsibility in our busy lives inspired me to design a medicine/supplement reminder application
Target Audience
As the end user, I chose the people with chronic diseases since regular medication intake is more essential. However, for those who cannot use the application directly for various reasons, I also added their caregivers to my target audience.
Design Thinking Process
2. Step: Define Problem
Some survey questions asked to identify the problem  follows:
How do you currently track or remember to take your medications?
What challenges do you face in managing your medication regimen?
What features would you find most helpful in a medication reminder app?
What design elements or features make a health-related app user-friendly for you?
Are there any existing medication reminder apps you currently use or have used in the past? If so, what do/did you like or dislike about them?
What additional features or functionalities would enhance your experience with a medication reminder app?
How can a medication reminder app better support you in managing your chronic illness?
Can you share a specific instance where you missed a dose or experienced difficulties with your medication schedule?
What are your expectations from a medication reminder app?
How would you envision the ideal user experience within such an app?
Based on your experience, what features or functionalities are essential in a medication reminder app for chronic illness management?
Are there any additional resources, support, or community features you would like to see integrated into the app?
How do you see the role of technology, specifically apps, evolving in managing chronic illnesses and medication adherence?
Pain Points and Challenges
Chronic Illness Patience
Caregivers / Parents
Managing numerous medications and supplements, each with specific dosages and schedules, need of customizable medication schedule.
Remembering to take medications at different times.
Using a combination of a daily pill organizer and smartphone alarms.
Missed doses due to a busy schedule or forgetting to refill the pill organizer, resulting in fluctuations in blood sugar levels and increased fatigue.
Inconsistencies in tracking health parameters.
Using a combination of a paper calendar, alarm reminders on mobile phone, and a weekly pill organizer.
Lack of ability to create personalized profiles and sync with other family members or caregivers.
While simple reminder apps and manual tracking methods offer basic functionality, they lack comprehensive support for managing customized medication schedules and interactive dosage tracking
Goals and Aspirations
Chronic Illness Patience
Caregivers / Parents
Effectively control their condition, minimize symptoms, and maintain a good quality of life.
Reduce anxiety about potential health risks and medication-related issues.
A comprehensive app that integrates medication reminders, health parameter tracking, educational resources, and community support tailored to chronic illness management.
A clear and intuitive interface, color-coded medication schedules, and easy navigation between features.
Prioritize the health and safety of their children or dependents.
Simplify the process of managing medications and supplements to reduce stress and errors.
Worry less about potential health risks and missed doses.
Customizable medication schedules, interactive dosage tracking, medication interaction alerts, and integration with healthcare providers.”
Personalized profiles, notification preferences, and the ability to sync with other family members or caregivers.
All-in one app that streamlines medication management, healthcare coordination, and provides a supportive community for caregivers.
Maintaining a medication log, setting multiple reminders throughout the day, and communication regularly with healthcare providers to adjust treatment plans as needed.
Results of researches for digital marketing aspects  for user personas both patients and caregivers:
Shopping Habits and Preferences:
Media Consumption:
Prefer to purchase health and wellness products online,
Willing to invest in quality healthcare products and services
Proficient users of smartphones, tablets, and computer, using them for health management,
Seek information from reputable medical sources,
Open to receiving newsletters and updates related to health and wellness
Influencers and Decision-Markers:
Brand Perceptions and Preferences:
Trusted healthcare professionals,
Recommendations from other parents or those who have similar health challenges,
Trusted bloggers, influencers
Highly value apps and products that are easy to navigate and accommodate accessibility needs,
Appreciate features that allow them to tailor the app to their specific medication regimens,
Heavily influenced by positive user reviews, real-life stories and testimonials, especially from others managing chronic illnesses. 
#projectbrief #targetuser #survey #interview #userresearch #marketingresearch
3. Step: Brainstorming and Conceptualize
Site Map
Mobile App User Flow
#userflow #flowchart #branchingflow #sitemap #mobileappuserflow
4. Step: Create Prototype
Detailed view via high-fidelity wireframes of what solutions and features are offered:
(PS: UI design is not applied yet)
Adding A New Medicine Page:
Adding Health Parameters and Tracking Them By Charts:
All High-Fidelity Wire Frames At A Glance
#high-fidelitywireframes #wireframe
To be continued... #UIDesign #UserTesting
Medication Reminder App


Medication Reminder App
